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Monday, May 3, 2010

more to come............

It was a long weekend of rain, but today the Sun is shining and the air is cool. My windows are open. I hope the rain lets up for a while, several of my friends have flooded basements. ::sigh::  I love the rain despite how it makes everything so wet. ::smirks::

Moon and I didn't enjoy driving in the rain to Cincinnati for the bead show but we did enjoy looking at all the beads. My mind goes bonkers when I go into that large room, looking over the sea of gemstone strands and not knowing which to choose and which to leave behind, because isn't that sad? To leave anyone behind? ::sigh:: I touch them. I listen to the chatter of women who're most likely hobbyists (especially when they squabble about paying $17 dollars for their I try to ease my way into a busy table only to realize it's pointless and I should come back another time. I am patient. I will get my turn.

I believe that the strands talk to me. No really. You think I'm joking? Yeah whatevs. They do! I know it. Or, it could be my crazy brain telling me what they'll go with and how they'll match this or that and wouldn't they be loverly with that new color of glass that I just bought?! I know! I know! The screaming ensues and my mind goes...



Not even a sound.

I stand there wondering what to do.

And then it hits me. :)

So my dear peeps... I'll fill you in on my purchases later on, but for now I need to work on the things that were purchased over the last two weeks. The beads are complete. I cannot wait!

But... but...I DO have some out-the-door specials I'm listing because I couldn't keep my hands off the new strands. Let me say this... bleached turquoise and lapis. OMG. Do you know how hard it is to find creamy bleached turquoise? You don't? Well, let me tell you! It is HARD. And there was ONE strand left. ONE. And guess who snagged it? I paid dearly for it but that's okay. It was worth it. And my hands were shaking just touching it. :) (nah, just kidding.) By the way, the photo to the left isn't bleached turquoise, it's your standard turquoise-turquoise. :) Bleached turquoise is a creamy, milky white color with matrix running through it and it's beee-uuutiful with so many things.

So I'll be back. I WILL BE BACK! ::giggles:: I can barely stand the excitement!

THE BIRDS ARE SINGING! :) (can you hear them?) I can!


Bobbie Pene said...

Hi Laurie

I love your photo of the grass with the water drops. Can you share how you make your background blur? I can't seem to do that.

If I could go to a big bead market I know I would spend way too much. I couldn't decide what to get so I would just get it all!

Have a lovely day :)

Sharlene said...

Hehehe "My hands were shaking just touching it" Killing me. That. IS TOO FUNNY. I thought I was the only person to get so excited and goofy. :) I'm not alone! Yay.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Glad you had a wonderful trip at the bead show. Can't wait to see what you make with your purchases. Love & blessings from NC!

Jackie Youn said...

I wish you could see the bead market we have here in Seoul. Think of a Costco sized building filled with every bead known to man open 365 days a year. Then add another Costco below that and fill it with fabric. Swoon!