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Thursday, June 27, 2013

i've been busy with life {and my thyroid issues}...

hi friends! i have missed you all so much. in a nutshell, i've been away because my health has been not-so-great. my thyroid decided to go wonky and well, it has been stressful--to say the least.

i was finally diagnosed with Grave's Disease. not a death sentence by any means, but it certainly made my everyday life difficult. i was exhausted all the time and it just wasn't getting any better. my eye started to enlarge but now that i'm good, strong meds things are much better.

soon, i'll have to either have surgery or do the RAI procedure. i'll keep you posted. :)

this post is laurie-picture-heavy. i am so sorry! i'm making up for being a bad blogger for the last few months!

this was taken in january (yes. there are christmas trees with twinkle lights in the background. i call those my lovely ambient light trees). you can see my eye pretty well in this photo. this was at the height of annoyance.

and this is what i do when i'm trying to make my eye not-so-noticeable. :) LOL
it totally works. i KNOW. heh heh.

and this was me a few weeks ago. you can see my eye is looking much better.

in other news...

i've fallen in love with these. i can't get enough!

and it's summer. you know what that means. weddings!
jeff and i went to a wedding together recently. i so love hanging with my fella.

right after this photo, he did this:

i know. you don't have to tell me.
he's crazy. it's a good thing i like him, huh!?
maybe he's working on his pirate face skills? i'm not sure.

the other great thing about summer? sitting by the pool with my kids.
this was my mother's day hat. i am in love with her.

all of these photos are on my instagram online profile. you don't do instagram?
what?! that's just crazy, right there. get with the program, already. :)

other than has just been, well... life! been living and getting into all sorts of trouble. giggles.

i'm going to move the sale. we didn't have internet access at all yesterday and i couldn't do any work so i'm going to move it to monday. :) i have some adorable earrings coming. you know, the easy every day kind that i love so much.

how's summer treating you? we're all okay over here. big hugs and try to stay cool!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Hey Laurie, hope you feel better soon. I was diagnosed with GD about a year ago so have been on Neomercazole since then but probably need to do the RAI treatment to sort it out once and for all!