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Sunday, July 19, 2009

And we're off!! {well, almost!}

Hello! Good Sunday!

We had a long day yesterday doing a lot of nothing. No seriously. Nothing! The kids played with their friends, coming in and out of the house, making tons of noise and I didn't mind a bit. I played with beads, did laundry and had a slow day. They're the best, no?

Today is going to be a transitional day for me. I am transitioning into Mom-the-Camper from Mom-the-Princess (who does not camp, btw). This new Mom is going to love being out-of-doors with the animals and mosquitoes, remembering it's not always about her comfort. :) This new Mom is going to try and enjoy the hiking although if you know me, my ankles don't like hiking, nor does my right foot, but I'm going to make it work. Why? Why am I doing this? Cuz, folks! It's for ONE night! Anything can be done for ONE night, right? lol! I'm actually looking forward to it! :)

We went to Wally's last night to pick up our absolute-necessities for this exciting one-night-camping trip. Things like red-light-pointer thingy's to annoy the dogs to death (no, seriously, have you seen them? dogs, especially jack-jack, HATES these things! lol total hilarity watching him race around the house trying to capture the tiny red light that the kids are drawing on the floor), two of those cheapy foldy chairs that come in a bag (we already have a bunch of them, but we were short, S'mores stuff (cuz ya gotta!), potatoes (for putting in the fire, wrapped in foil and covered in salt--like the potatoes at Red Lobster!!!) and butter (which, by the way, is $1.76 for a POUND! I bought two pounds. issues.), dental floss (I needed it), some gray wide-leg loungy pants that are really cute and cheap and cute!! (11 bucks! score!! and totally comfy!!), batteries for flashlights, yoo-hoo's (because it's close to real milk, right?), water bottles and those things that have flavor that you put IN the water bottles so you don't get bored drinking water. Yeah those things. There were other groceries but there's no need to go on and on about hot dogs, hot dog buns, string cheese, chips and grapes. Nah, I don't need to go into all of THAT. :)

Oh, we're still not sure where we're going. It might end up that we go to Red River Gorge, but we'll see. It's an hour closer (an hour of more camping fun!!! -- hey, I'm trying to be positive here, sheesh) and it's a different local so I'm thinkin' it might be fun to change it up. We're cool like that. No, it might be that we enjoy flyin' by the seat of our britches. :)

Okay my peeps, I do have a bracelet (or two) that I'm going to throw up here. I'm sorry I became a slacker and didn't do it yesterday. Life got in the way (or eight loads of laundry).

Thanks and have a wonderful day! I'll see you in a bit with something new.

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