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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nadine turns Six. {Happy Birthday Sweetie}

By far my favorite photo ever taken of my littlest crew member, who we affectionately call, Deanie Beans, or "Beans" for short. She's also probably our funniest child and always has something to say about the goings on in the house. For instance, most recently she was asked if she wanted a bath?

She replies, "nope, not today"

"How come?"

"I don't want to sit in my own filth."

Um? What?

"My own filth, I don't want to sit in it."

Where did you hear such a thing?

"Oh, from iCarly."

Oh. I see.

Or the time when she giggled about "tooting" and was so glad that she didn't have a Texas Wedgie, where "steam" comes out of your tooshie. lol I still don't know how that came about but it sure was funny. She keeps us going and I love that about her.

Today she turns six. Six! I cannot believe it. Where in the world did the years go? Time marches on, sad as it is, it does. I love the changes in her body but I miss this little girl. Moon took these photos a while back but they still remain my favorites.

Today we will have a party at 3p, filled with fun and laughter. I can't wait! I'm getting ready to rush out the door to buy helium balloons and some fresh flowers for the table. Everyone needs fresh flowers on their birthday, especially baby pink carnations. :)

You all have a wonderful day! I'll see you on the flip side with pictures!


Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Nadine!

Laurie, I was walking through the room the other day when iCarly was on TV and heard that "filth" line. I was somewhat indignant since I'm a "bath" girl. Filth! I don't think so! It's all about the bubblebath, Miss Carly!

byLGD Glass Jewelry said...

beth, i know!! lol cracked me up though. lol i love bubble baths too, thankfully she's given up the "filth" idea (after understanding that bubble bath is clean) and has gone back to taking them. lol :)