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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wishing for Spring.

Jeff brought me a nice hot cup of coffee. Tall. I got Pumpkin Spice. Yumola. I love him. No, not my coffee (altho I do love him too), I mean my honey. He even made sloppy joes for lunch. :)

So. Today. It's dreary outside. It's cold. It's wet. ::sigh:: It's just so not my kind of day, however it is a nice day for quiet in the house and discovering new things to make with my fingers. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll leave you with my favorite clip from my all-time favorite classic that never-gets-old-movie, You've Got Mail.

I'm wishing for Spring and this helps.


Missy said...

Now I'm gonna have to get the movie and watch it again. Unless of course you have it for me to borrow :-)

Pretty Things said...

I have a sweet-as-pie hubby who always gets me a skim venti no whip mocha every morning of the weekend! Love my hubs.