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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Busy day.


How are you? I am tired. And cold. I can't seem to get warm.

Today I had my Girl Scout meeting and also our delivery of cookies to our troop girls. I have to tell you that I was absolutely exhausted. I'm so glad I don't have to make dinner tonight, that's the best thing about having our Girl Scout meetings on Wednesday now. Normally I come home and have to figure out what to make, Jeff makes it and we are usually late in having dinner. Tonight we'll be eating at church. (o:

Tomorrow I'll be putting up new things. Oh, for everyone who ordered Follow Your Bliss and The Sound of Spring, they are all ordered. I'll let you know as soon as everything comes in. I can't wait. They are so pretty.

Well, I'm off. Sorry for the short post. It's not even newsy. Oh, I do have a fun story...

We were at the dinner table the other night and I'd made chopped salad (recipe later). I asked everyone to try it, Nicole loves it so she had her own bowl. However, the other kids weren't too thrilled about it (it's so good too). Nadine took one bite and said that she didn't know if she liked it. Nathaniel says, "then try it again." So she takes another bite and says, "I'm still not sure." So Nicole says, "it's so good, you should try it another time just to be sure." So Nadine tries it again and says, "Yes. I think I like it, but I can't make up my mind. Momma? Can you give me some more?" lol Natalie didn't like it and nearly threw her tiny spoonful out onto the table. ::sigh:: I'm not surprised by this. The texture is well, chopped, so it's not something she enjoys. Maybe in a few years she'll grow into liking it. Nathaniel didn't care for it but he ate it all anyway.

The recipe...

Finely chop (as if you're making cole slaw).... iceberg lettuce, baby carrots, tiny tomatoes (finely dice), celery, cauliflower and granny smith apples. add in crumbled bleu cheese, sunflower seeds and craisins. toss. the dressing is Good Seasoning's (packet) Italian Dressing and I do NOT add in the water and add in 6 to 7 packets of either Splenda or Equal. I've used both and can't tell the difference between the yellow or blue stuff. :)

It's fantastic. And pretty. And really yummy.

Enjoy your evening... I'm off to church.
