last week was spring break and i packed our four kids up and drove them to grandma and papaw's house. grandma was the entertainment coordinator and took them to so many places i can't even tell you how many, but the big event of the week was great wolf lodge. the kids had a blast! they went out to eat every single day and had places to go and things to do. they had a great week!
what did jeff and i do?
we worked.
every. single. day.
it's fine. you can feel sorry for us. lol but i had a good time, no matter what you think! :) i've always been the crafty sort (no! you're joking! yes. yes. it's true.) and this was my week to tackle some unfinished projects (no i have still not finished my chair...soon people. soon!)
first came nathaniel's bedroom. he's turning thirteen this week (what!? when did that happen?) and we wanted to do something pretty big. so we redesigned his room. honestly, it wasn't all that difficult since the room consisted of a mattress on the floor surrounded by hundreds of candy wrappers. i'm not joking. however, before the mattress landed its way to the floor, he had a really nice maple loft bed but he didn't like having to climb into bed anymore. so we sold it. i don't have any before photos, because like i said, it was a mattress and a lot of candy wrappers so just imagine what that looked like will you? lol
here are some afters (they're a little blurry. took these with my tiny point and shoot... i'll take some better pics after i paint the closet doors, or remove them, i haven't decided yet).
i scored the bamboo blind from Lowes. it was 90% off and cost us less than $5 bucks. i know right!?
the only things we had before the room makeover were the two posters which had yet to be removed from their everything was brand new (oh and the tv isn't new). when he opened the door, this was what he saw... and he was SO surprised!
still need to paint (or remove) the doors... not sure what i want to do yet.
we found everything for his room at Ikea and Target. you know how i love ikea! it's the best place if you want to keep to a budget, it's really amazing what they have to offer. the room "idea" came from a show room floor design they had in their actual store... pic below:
i really liked how they had the best behind the wall unit, it acts as a privacy... so cool.
we still have a few things to finish but you get the idea. :)
more to come! stay tuned! (how have you been?)
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