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Friday, June 12, 2009

Link Within...

We all know I'm really (really!) new to Blogger, having been a Typepad follower for years, and although I miss it, I felt the change was necessary. Anyway, when I was on Typepad I had the "Link Within" widget and I've decided to bring it back here. It's a cool widget, one of the more interesting ones I've seen, so if you have a blog and want to have links to other posts within a post, grab the widget by clicking their name. It's pretty cool. :)

Well, I have to go. I'm trying to finish up the rest of the Summer Splash bracelets and get them out. Have a wonderful day!

Oh, I will have more things to post, I've just been concentrating on custom work. Many of you have emailed me, asking for new work, don't worry, I'll get back to you as soon as I can! :)

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