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Friday, September 18, 2009

custom lampwork jewelry {dot} com

Hello! Good morning! Happy Friday!

I will make this quick (in case you didn't read my late-night post from yesterday, because it's long!).

For the last several years I've been the one coding the HTML to all the pages of my website. It has taken hours upon hours and although I love my site, it's not as easy to run as some might think. So, after some serious thought, I decided to get a template-based shop. I will keep my gallery site as it is and put things there that I create and move things to it once they're no longer available in my shoppe. :) The new shoppe will be awesome! When I send you a coupon, I'll put a code on it and enter it into my new system, then you can use it whenever you want, without having to ask me via email. Easy peasy! I'm excited about it and am super thrilled with my service from Delicious Web Studio. Thank you Jennifer!

So here ya go... it doesn't have much in it just yet but believe me, more is coming! It didn't take me long at all to put in 9 pairs of earrings... maybe an hour! SO EASY!!!! :) YAY!!!! I'm wondering why I didn't do this a LONG time ago. lol
Have a super weekend everyone! I'll be working this weekend, so if you have questions, I'm sure to be around.

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