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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Laurie - a post from a hacker

Today is Laurie's 40th birthday, a day she has fretted about for months now.  To honor this special occasion I have decided to hack her blog to wish her a happy birthday.

Dearest Laurie,
I think I have known you for nearly half of your life now.  I want you to know that I love you now more than ever.  Looking back I cannot even begin to imagine my life without you and all that you have added to my life over the years.  Thank you for putting up with me because I know I got the better end of the deal.  Im sorry that I can't throw you a big party and give you extravagant gifts (which you deserve).       

I don't care that you are getting old, the gray hair, failing eyesight, and creaking joints haven't bothered me yet :)  Actually I think you are  getting sexier everyday.  I was watching you sleep this morning and was reminded of just how lucky I am. 

I hope your birthday is a very happy one.  Because of the kind of person you are I know you will have about 7000 people emailing, calling, and stopping by to wish you a happy 40th.  Everyone wants to be around you, and I am lucky because I get to live with you.  Have a great day today, I will see you tonight and remember to save Friday for you and I to celebrate.

I love you baby!


Bobbie Pene said...

How sweet :) Happy Birthday Laurie xo

Beth said...

Hope it's as special as you are!

BuckleBottom Beads - Haley M. Smith said...

Happy Birthday! <3